The video he did in his “pretty good” series about Larry Walters is a fucking masterpiece. A tragic, funny, exhilarating masterpiece.
The video he did in his “pretty good” series about Larry Walters is a fucking masterpiece. A tragic, funny, exhilarating masterpiece.
Of course he was incentivized by the $10k. God knows if he has a penny to his name right now. He’s not even religious, but the people who made this law knew that already didn’t they.
In fairness this section is also on the wiki page (Bolded sections are by me), so describing him as Russian isn’t totally inaccurate, since that’s what he says himself. But yeah, it’s definitely a huge misnomer for Americans to think of the USSR as one single monolithic country and culture, considering how diverse and…
Jeopardy actually had a similar instance of this sort of issue.
Deathloop is so good. So weird and so good. I’m honestly trying to put my finger on what exactly I think is so good about it, and for some reason I can’t. Especially compared to being super early on in Dishonored 2 and Prey, where I could immediately hone in on what I like about those games, what works, and why they…
Honestly, even Werner Herzog would think eating socks is taking it too far.
Gods I hope that this billionaire dude ends up dealing with the same sort floating turd crises that the Apollo era would deal with from time to time.
What in the world is I have no idea if it is a scam, but it definitely is setting off scam vibes for me. And if even have to ask yourself “is this is a scam?”... then it’s usually a scam.
What in the world is I have no idea if it is a scam, but it definitely is setting off scam vibes for…
God damn - these are some peak Al Swearengen/ Deadwood level insults.
It’s also fascinating to think that before Kenny G did the Louis overdub track, he didn’t really seem to have a problem with him - he certainly didn’t like him, but he seemed okay with the guys success and that there was a group of people who…
“Witnesses report Harden on the scene, advising the Tesla driver to take a step back, and then another step back, and evaluate the situation with a clear mind before doing anything further.”
“But I for one prefer allowing for some cleavage over every girl wearing a niqab.”
I’ve always wanted to play Berseria, but any time I tried it I just couldn’t get over that incredibly bizarre outfit that velvet wears. There’s just no justification for it other than “anime tiddiez”. And yes, I understand that there is an option to do an alternate outfit but if that’s the case then... why as an…
Looks like it was finally fixed. And to be clear, I just wanted to make sure it was understood that when I wrote that I wasn't trying to rag on you or anything - I missed it myself at first!
I totally missed it too until I looked closely and yeah... It’s quite a slipup.
Ive had a wood lathe for a few years, and it always blows me away to watch videos of machining lathes and just how different it is. They might technically be in the same category of machines, but I feel like very few of the skills I’ve learned and experiences I’ve had would transfer over.
And just like their laptops, apple will decide their cars don’t need any fans or active cooling.
One of the main characters in genshin impact - one of the biggest cultural ambassadors for china at the moment - is the god of money and contracts. So yeah, kinda weird that is the hill china's government will die on.
CableMods is very nice but they are also very pricey. You can definitely find generic, much more affordable options - I picked one set up off Amazon that was likely an unbranded Chinese knockoff but they worked great and are still in my PC after 5+ years.