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    I’m a lifelong O’s fan, and I come from a family of Orioles fans in Baltimore.
    Seeing the Orioles mini-renaissance from 2012-2016 was such a great thrill, especially as I wasn’t old enough to truly appreciate their last stretch of contending baseball in the 90's. I was lucky enough to get a ticket for game 2 of the


    I do agree with on the soundtrack for the game itself, but more than anything it’s at least my personal preference to the stock soundtrack for the game simply because the games midi soundtrack just sounds so plain bad. The whole retro midi motif works super well for the builders series, but I don’t understand their

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    I’ve got all the sympathies in the world for DQ11 players on PS4... because as someone who was able to switch in the orchestral mod on the PC steam version... it makes an unbelievable difference. After doing it that way, I could never imagine playing with standard soundtrack on PC/ PS4.

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    I don’t know if you’re playing DQ11 on PC or console, but if you’re on PC - do yourself a favor and install the orchestral soundtrack replacement mod,
    which I linked here. It’s super easy to install, will only take a few minutes, and was put together extremely well. There might have been just a few instances where the

    You are clearly mistaken.

    I think I may have found good ole’ tomatoface! Or at least one of the many burner accounts used by the classic troll.

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    Nobody wants to help me and I’m dying.”
    We already discussed this. You’re not dying mom.”
    I am Lisa. I finally got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer.”

    Jesus Christ. This feels like some sort of bizarro world, nefarious version of Nathan for You. Except, not funny and pretty terrible all around.

    Set aside all the footbaw stuff in that videoclip - I’m way more interested in knowing what the hell that music was.

    Your quarterback: SAMILTON!

    Don’t worry, I’m pretty positive that there will be more Magic HIV puns.

    Tobias Harris, Kyle Kuzma, Damian Lillard, Brook Lopez

    “I can beat that - I had a co-GM of whatever he felt like.” - Jerry Krause.

    (I know your post is almost three years old, but I just saw this as a recommended post about a new story on Tim Duncan. So it’s only about 2 minutes old to me.) 

    Shoutout to you, friend, for referencing GIMP - I see so many people I know pirate photoshop without even knowing that there is a completely free, legal, damn good alternative. It’s not even about the morality or legality issues - I couldn’t give a shit about Adobe even if I tried - but GIMP is just so great and it

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    Dumbest possible explanation? Why, I don’t think I could come up with an example of that at all. No sir.

    I don’t know too much about Parra, but I definitely liked him when he had his relatively brief stay as an oriole a few years back. Dude played fairly well, but more than anything he really did just bring a lot of energy into that clubhouse and atmosphere in general- he’s absolutely one of my favorite players from the y

    It’s a fair amount of buttons, but the good ol’ Spyker still has it beat in the“batshit insane number of buttons” category.