Undercover Brother

good take, Townie

he’s a goner

Will severance be paid out in ESPN Zone gift cards?

a 4th what?

Can I still pray for his soul? Nobody is born into a perfect world where we’re guaranteed a fair shot.

What if it was written by CB Bucknor?

But I thought he was a great bowler.

at least he bought American!

2nd base despite him running as a home run when Kyle thought he caught it.

He looks so natural fielding out there. I look forward to his next horrific injury.

13) Jar Jar Binks....what’s the deal?

No mention how much he squats; sad.

If only Randy Myers was pitching last night

I work in the Sears Tower where United employees work. I’ll just hand one a Pepsi

Where the hippos?

How would Carl Everett answered?

Man, and John Denks was available and they didn’t pick him up.

They been the spring training uniform/hat for the past two springs.

Is the One Dog still available? I need another Lance in my life.