
a shame you can’t switch to the Jap VAs most of them are far better than their English counterparts.

Removing facial blemishes and tattoos seems illegal but i doubt what this guy does is.

Rumor has it their next big one will be adapting Wild cards once GoT is done.

I don’t think comparing this to the division is a good idea, even siege feels like kind of a stretch.

Yep and japan still hangs them.

Hmm thanks.

So this may be the wrong place to ask this but can you actually meet other players in this game like can i go exploring with a friend?

Jerry also didn’t force civilian factories to produce war materiel until late in the war as well heck german war production peaked in 44.

The germans also didn’t introduce rationing until late in the war as well, simply because nazi ideology and propaganda were always talking about lesiure and pleasure and rationing and women working in factories aren’t a part of that.

God wilbon gets on my nerves so often now, at least Kornhieser knows he’s a caricature and acts like one but wilbon just has his head up his ass.

Generally speaking spies aren’t military and we didn’t really have an official espionage agency till the OSS.

A shame more people don’t know that there were even a few russian women who became aces.

Nothing says toothless investigation like declined to be interviewed.

I salute my fellow male jezebel reader.

I don’t hate all men

I dunno about you Kevin but I’d do some gross fuck stuff for a trophy.

It’s probably “co-ed” but they won’t get sued as long as no women are told they can’t join.

Throw a a torbjorn turret up with that trio and you got yourself a good old fashioned killdozer.

Won’t anyone think of his poor wife? I hope she already got some kids out of him.

This is just the best.