
Just imagine the scenery chewing monologues they could deliver together.

Damn London to Sydney in 2 hours? Sign me up.

i need a gif/webm of the look he gave her.


I bought this game ages ago soley because it came with the original. I should probably try to go back and beat it.

Gas volume is measured in cubic feet not cups... cups are a purely for the measurement of liquids.

I’m pretty sure that if you go over to a person’s house any food or drink they offer you should be considered free. If i can’t afford for someone else to eat my food i won’t charge them i wont offer them food.

How the hell is my podunk ass city number 33?

Why would you ever need to go from a foot to a cup anyhow?

How is kiersey Clemons in it? She was one of the better parts in Dope an i wanted to know if she’s still good.

Not again bungie not again.

Once again everything is awful.

If they do pop up on an English speaking website they’re pretty easy to spot.

I don’t really see the point of forbidding single men but whatever floats your boat.

I will not allow you to slander the good name of truck stop sushi.

I’ll root for any team with a guy named Mookie on it.

Why anyone - man or woman - would even want to enlist in these backwards, idiotic, sexist institutions is beyond me

The worst part is that the marines are still fighting to prevent women from joining which just makes us look like jack asses.

Because the US army like almost every army in history is made up largely of the poorer clsses of its nation and since there will always be an abundant supply of poor people they don’t really care about the soldiers at the real high levels of the military. The way to fix the way the military handles these things is

I’ll never use Airbnb it sounds like a good way to get robbed or murdered.