
Well the main reason the confederacy was formed was because lincon got elected without winning a single southern state which showed them how irrelevant they were becoming which ment Lincon could probably outlaw slavery regardless of southern objections.

Well it’s just the one thing i could think of that might have been cheating. Also if you’re going to burn a city to the ground you might as well burn the best city you can find.

They’re still mad we burned down Atlanta.

Fine approve whoever Obama appoints it doesn’t really matter.

Wow it’s literally nothing we haven’t heard from her before not that Bernie would do anything different. This isn’t bad it’s just so inconsequential, it all comes down to whether or not Obama can strong arm the senate into appointing anyone.

I still can’t believe this is coming out for consoles.

I’ll always be a QPR fan even if i haven’t watched the EPL since it moved to NBC.

I still don’t think predators was that bad of a movie.

I’d love a hard R Black Widow solo film and or prequel.

He described employees regularly gathering around computer monitors to watch footage of celebrities having sex.

The only biography i ever really enjoyed readin was Speers it’s a surprisingly good read.

Still too big.

-40 windchill for me i wish it was that warm here.

Elephants, they’re just like us.

Damn that’s quite a ways to hitch hike.

Yeah it was one of the few good parts of all the sexism of that era.

Plus fans are put at ease by the fact they know these guys aren’t better looking than they are.

I liked the first two movies and haven’t seen another one.

Another curious point is that the republicans haven’t really talked about it either.

Well i’m glad you enjoy them but, every time i watch one i end up yelling about how they’re doing something wrong that i would never do. The sole exception was watching a guy conquer both americas as Bolivia in HOI3 i was far to impressed with his feats to nitpick.