
I love playing paradoxs strategy games but for the life of me i could never watch another person play one outside of guides for HOI3.

That’s good i can’t see the harm in being concerned about this.

I just hope to god it has fewer and shorter load times.

You’re missing the main point here miss and that is will wondy also have bathtub sex?

Yeah but why is she playing the teenage boy ?

The shaun the sheep one is honestly the only real surprising one.

This is why i’m glad my primary doesn’t matter anyhow.

I wouldn’t pick anywhere in asia if i was you then.

Japan is really weird when it comes to white women if you’ve gor blonde hair and blue eyes they’ll be all over you any other hair color and they’ll be pretty indifferent.

They’re really getting their money’s worth out of the “think of all the good the purge does” line from the first movie.

He just looks moderate next to the cavalcade of idiots running.

I can only get excited for the bern man if he wins SC if he wins there i might throw a party.

Kasich should be the one to fear most as he is easily the most normal seeming Republican candidate but still not a good canidate for women and probably not for brown and gay people either but he has kept his mouth quiter than most on those two groups lately.

Hitler had the Loginus Spear, while Togo had a piece of the Holy Grail.

I’d say it has an 80% chance of being up it’s own ass.

Forever alone and fuck this shit for me.

I’m just hoping for more high brow literature references.

I wonder what thor will make of all this nonsense when he gets back.

I’m still glad my primary doesn’t matter and neither does my state matter in the general which means my vote doesn’t matter, ah America

Time to go to amazon.jp