
This gif is too much.

The only way to strengthen unions is to unite unions from different industries in order to fully protect workers.

The germans are having a problem with the old DDR though much like the us and the south.

Blame the way the post war occupation was handled. Much like how most of the german neo nazis came from east germany because the soviets pat them on the head and told them they weren’t to blame for the holocaust because they were good communists.

Its shit and that tattoo on poor Michael Fassbenders eye is god damned retarded.

You’d be much better off just going to Osaka or Nagoya and just visiting Tokyo for a day, that’s far more economical.

How long till trump links this to isis?

Why would you spend that much money when there are dogs for free?

I’m pretty sure the Hungarians weren’t making jeeps during world war 2

these were some of my favorite star wars novels growing up.

These have nothing on the micro apartments in Tokyo.

I lived a few miles away from a major sub base on the east coast and we always we were on their list.

I should really watch exmachina again as the first time i watched the film i couldn’t get over the fact that Ava looked fake as all hell throughout the whole film.

Yeah honestly a lot of the stuff they did to promote the movie was really odd especially the last poster where fin has the lightsaber.

Yeah but i rarely saw kathleen kenedy talk about any female character besides phasma and how she’s going to do this, this and this and be this, this and this.

But clearly he wants to be and jj wanted to set him up as that new villain.

Yeah i just wish they had spent less time on promoting faux boba fett and more time on promoting Rey.

I think you’re right i just wish kylo was the lap dog to the new vader instead of being the new vader himself.

To be fair we didn’t know that’s why vader was in the suit till jedi.

Yeah but all the pre release hype around her just made her a huge let down.