
Pretty much, it’s not her fault though just mine.

Yeah plus my experience watching a few episodes of girls just totally killed it for me on top of that.

Or crippling the space station she help built despite knowing fin won’t kill her.

I know and usually i don’t have a problem with them but hers just seemed sort of grating and annoying to me its not her fault just a personal thing.

Maybe she actually thought he wouldn’t do it again? Some people will think that way more so if they’re in love.

My only problem with Rey was that i can’t stand the accent she uses in the the film. Other than Phasma going out like a bitch and the super obvious and unearned death scene it was a quality film.

I still don’t understand how avatar is number one, I can understand the dark knight but not avatar.

Well poe was originally supposed to die on jakku that’s why he just appears out of thin air.

I just hope kylo keeps his helmet on the whole time him taking it off reaslly sort of kills the intimidation factor he had.

Damn that shit sounds like a made for tv movie on lifetime.

Did anyone think he did it for any reason besides a nice payday?

I know for movies that play on hbo at the beginning it will list rape along with the other stuff from the MPAA rating. Why they don’t do the same for their own shows is quite odd.

I can’t wait for him to jump on a couch.

But we don’t even know how max von sydows character got the map or if he knows luke at all if the first order got most of the map is it really so hard to believe that the resistance needed an inside man to get it to them. Also if he had this whole time why did he wait to give it to leia and the resistance. When rey

Well first off this is pretty common theory so I don’t think you’re quite first. Anyway it’s far more likely that she’s realated to luke more than Leia as I doubt she’d be quick to abandon her child. Second aside from Kylos reaction when he’s first told of the girl with fin theres no real hint that shes his sister.

I would be fine with him surviving but only if they had shown how he got off Jakku.

I got such an interesting respounce when i helped walk a few women into a pp clinic in my full marine uniform.

I’m just glad kojimas work will still end up on the PC i know he probably has a great relationship with sony but I’m glad that he didn’t creat a new sony only studio.

I mean i only met a few cops when i was stationed there so i can’t confirm how intimidating they are all over. Though i was a good head taller than the few i met, and its kind of tough to feel intimidated by someone who is shorter than you.

It has more to do with the uniforms than anything else in my experience.