
Because unfortunately they can point to the fact that your average 18-35 year old female is weaker then the average male of that age which while mostly true isn’t good reason

Over under on how long it takes for a full ranger battalion to get sent in?

But New york isn’t in New England silly.

This story just reminds me of how much gawker lovesto rail against companies and groups for being all white and male despite themselves being al white and male.

Yeah i dob’t even know where they got the idea that it was even a slur. I’ve never even heard of someone using the term to talk about a real trans person outside of the internet and not on sites that those people would go to.

Now i’m really glad i don’t live in the states anymore.

The fact that i’ll be getting this as a gift makes me semi ok with a lack of modes.

You’re mostly right too bad the gameplay took several steps back.

I hated how it wouldn’t let me be evil .

I love Rami but I’m not sure he can pull of the swagger. I’d much rather see him play a character similar to SNAFU the guy he played in the pacific.

This is why i would never want to time travel everything smelled like shit in the past.

That capital x in the middle of his name just screams duchebag.

I would have pegged bill as a coffin man not a sarcophagus man.

Yeah it’s a shame the mercs franchise is dead those were great games.

It’ll probably be super contrived just like the plot of most if not all of the past marvel movies.

Aww the dragged poor terry crews into this didn’t they.

Don’t think about it to hard the japs love putting in western words to their titles god knows why but they often seem or sound funny.

I really wish i had known this before i killed the entire railroad.

My grail is a legendary gatling laser.

The closest thing we’ll ever get is the fallout mod for Darkest hour.