
Burmt the similarities in culture are quite stark i’ll give you india being different but most other are highly culturaly similar much like how mostif western euroupe is highly culturally similar both are based on one culture. The largest difference is that the culture western Europe is based on is dead and gone and

I’m far more worried about Marvel honestly.

A bit off topic but why aren’t asian americans represented in this poll it seems rather odd to me.

I’ll never understand the 16 shots part what could make someone do that hell even in the marines we were taught two in the chest one in the head what the fuck was up with this guy.

Well that’s good right? Not great or what people wanted but it’s a start. Though considering how many trans and ladyboy prostitutes there are in the Philippines I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

The way play asia was trolling people over this is a far better story.

This is as much of a fake controversy as the whole trap nonsense in akibas trip.

Don’t worry one will be terrible.

So the states have a black president that doesn’t mean that black people have all the same rights as whites there are also plenty of female senators and reps and governors and our next president will probably be female as well and yet women here have shit rights, so elections are a horrible metric of progress.

Shit like this is what makes traveling with my girlfriend such a giant pain in the ass I’d almost rather walk, though I also have my own issues.

Going to take a lot longer in asia they still haven’t gone through a womens movement and there’s no way you’ll get gay marrige in a place that still treats women the way they were treated in the 50’s here.

Its 7 films actually thats why his latest stinker is called the hateful 8

Its 7 films actually thats why his latest stinker is called the hateful 8

I feel the same about Tarantino but i love kill bill vol 1 and can’t really stand pulp fiction at all.

I feel the same about Tarantino but i love kill bill vol 1 and can’t really stand pulp fiction at all.

I’m with you rightup till ant man but i’ll assume the guy they got to play black panther is good though i’ve yet to see a film with him in it.

all of them—-have a box and a formula that they stick with.

I’m honestly surprised that this isn’t a crime since she left it unattended.

I just had an issue with you declaring that the original trilogy was just great performances when so many of the supporting cast were pretty bad. I will not dispute how terrible portman was in al three and Christensen was in attack of the clones.

Clarkson just sounded so bored throughout that whole thing.

All fine acting performances.

I don’t know what’s more surprising spike lee said something this stupid or that he is actually making a new film.