
It’s the truth though.

Battlefront would be a far superior title if it was just a re-skinned battfield 4.

Why on earth would you buy a new vita with a worse screen?

He looks exactly like i thought he would look like.

And if she was whuteand sitting on those refugees she’d be racist not.

To bad that’s one of the greatest movie posters ever.

Loli fanservice is the least of the movies problems.

Honestly outside of the visual improvements i can’t see anything that is a true improvement over the original though i have yet to bother to watch 3.0.

The rebuilds have been garbage anyhow.

They’ve been listening to us alot this time around which is surprising now they just need to let us change our usernames.

I really wish there wasn’t a thousand fucking black friday posts on every fucking gawker sites front page right now.

Mass effect 2 was garbage becuase it wasn’t mass effect it was just a third person shooter with an above average story.

The first mass effect was byfar the best one and i loved it 2 was absolute garbage and three was better gameplay wise but several huge steps back in narritive quality and inquisition refused to allow me to be evil so i lost interest about 45 hours in.

Their last two outings have sevearly dissapointed me.

Sounds ripe to be fucked up by bioware.

Spider womans costume looks painted on and all of the faces look... awful.

I still like the original clone wars cartoon more for the grevious scenes alone.

I just hope that Shepard isn’t the focus of the next game for any reason.

Yeah thats honestly the worst part about this the people who want to play the game will get it regardless and it’s not like any japanese devs even care about the west or how their game is recived there.

It’s stuff like this that surprises me that ESPN keeps Jones around and i love it. I don’t agree with some of the stuff he says but his twitter account is fucking great.