
It’ll end with either a stalemate or nukes though the second one side senses they will loose anyway they’ll use them, might as well take the other guy down with you.

In 30 years maybe at this point he still has to sand it down paint it and polish it and even then it’d look like crap 3d printers aren’t that good yet.

How long till nude mods end up on the xbone/PS4 1 hour after the first one is out? 15mins?

It would make them maintaing their physical shape a lot easier though then you can start adding g’s to make the training even more effective

Yep and if they ever get a good way to create artificial gravity we’ll have real life ODSTs they would be the ultimate QRF deployable anywhere on earth in minuets. I can see the generals creaming over just the thought.

Its the next step in upping your arsenal all the power of a nuke with not nearly as much fallout. To be fair if you could develop a system to shoot down ICBMS which would likely also be space based lasers or smaller kinetic energy weapons I’d call that a defense against nukes. Finally space is the last “DMZ” we’ve got

It’s nukes once someone gets a functioning spaced based kinetic energy weapon or an effective defense against nukes besides more nukes it’ll heat back up.

The reason their leagues aren’t popular enough is the same reason AAA and AA ball aren’t on tv people wont watch an inferior product or one they believe to be an inferior product regardless of the truth. As for why they don’t play together its because a 22 year old male in top physical form will most likely out

Because its a less difficult knock off of the original which also allowed man and women to compete to see who would be the most humiliated.

I would love to see a grizzled old Jon Stewart (cough Denzel Washington cough) teaching a young Hal or Guy. hell i feel like it could make a good solo film and and be an easy way to have a black hero without it seeming ham fisted or forced.

Except no one (who matters) cares so nothing will happen because most countries will believe rightfully or wrongfully that they have bigger problems than this. So nothing will happen because no one cares and one more reason for people to say how bad we should feel about such and such that has no effect on your life

That Rhode Island is a state not a small island off Long Island, and that we have a town called Moscow.

What was the point of even including those images if you were just going to totally pixelate them. Oh wait i know clickbait the same as all of these “look at these wacky weirdo Asians” articles.

I still prefer the look of the F-117.

Yeah but at least we xseed and nis bringing most of the great titles over.

This is nice but i love my 3tb ps4 already.

Being a single father is a hard horrible experience but i love my daughter and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Also fuck my ex wife the cheating slut.

The more wonderful things i read about him the sadder it makes me that he decided to possibly ruin his career by singing up with DC.

Note to self buy pink sock to impress women with.

My daughter has issues most of which are her fathers (me) fault but she doesn’t have traditional “daddy issues”. But then again i don’t think thats much better.