
I think death is a bit much decline is a better term i mean with the F-22 in our back pocket we’ll still be top dog but the gap is shrinking.

There’s no greater motivation than glory and a place in history.

it looks a lot more like New Vegas than 3 mainly because of the lack that horrible green filter from 3.

silver medals are for losers

just because they’ve done it before doesn’t make it a smart move.

i would certainly hope that it would compare favorably to planes almost 30 years old by now. and when you have more carriers than every other nation on earth combined i don’t think that deck space is to big of a concern at this point.

it’s crappy because rather than making 2 or three great specialized fighters they made one mediocre one. for all the similar problems with the F-22 it great at the one thing it’s designed for.

Its a shame the F-35 is such a crappy plane for the amount of trouble it’s caused.

This is going to make the maintenance of these big aircraft carriers so much easier i wonder if they’ll be able to be put on the older carriers as well.

Yes but what about the elevators?

Every time i see one of these articles it just reminds me that there are a lot if people who want to replace FDR in the dime with Reagan they are horrible people.

I thought the two like the five hundred dollar bill was phased out of print but still usable.

This woman is all kinds of crazy and after being told what she did was wrong should probably be given a mental health screening and care.

so were the various Slavic races that were serfs under the Tsars in Russia. Honestly every race has been the slave to another at some point in history Africans were just the latest in a long sad history.

why on space would you want to live on earth?

The fact that someone raped him regardless of the fact that he didn’t consider it rape adds a possible bias. That possible bias could in theory could a jurors judgement and prevent a fair outcome. Its also illegal to lie on a jury form.

WTF are these games even about?

Meaningless since i probably wont be able to use the strap a dick to everything mod or any other lewd ones.

I’m just glad they got through the child rape scene relatively quickly. I thought they were going to drag it out for a hell of a lot longer, but thankfully they didn’t.

So every anime ever? Have you not seen any recent Kyoani production they all have the same faces as characters from k-on.