
Looks pretty meh but at least it doesn’t have that awful green filter that 3 did.

But i let her die. How can she be grown up?

He also repealed glass steagle which allowed the financial crisis to happen. But he was still a pretty good president.

I dunno 3 days seems about right for this.

Define roughed up. Also besides that claim nothing about her arrest seems particularly bad or out of the ordinary.

Guess this means i shouldn’t bother watching the rest of this.

The only show i care about is s2 of crowds i couldn’t care less about everything else.

This guy was a legit James Bond during the war hell some of the stuff he did is still classified he deserves all the respect he gets and more.

No weeb who buys a shitload of manga.

D&D said thats how many seasons they want. HBO wants 10 and the contract is up after this season so will know soon how many more it will be.

these make no sense i’m so confused.

yeah suffice to say this is going to be a difficult episode.

I’ve always wondered how our current society would react towards rationing it could be a wonderful experiment to compare with how it was handled in WW2.

More proof that all hashtags are evil and must be destroyed.

Chinese has the most native speakers, while the most spoken are still english french and spanish yes?

I actually like show john 1000x better than book john. But i still cant wait for you know what to happen to him.

They may get around that by having her wear another face it was implied in the preview pretty hard that she’s going to try to get one.

I have a feeling she’s gonna get naked then she’s going to end up killing him. Because she can’t be a bad ass loli assassin with out killing in the nude, that is if the shows past is anything to go by.

Yeah i can’t say i’d be ok with it if it weren’t for how rapey this season has been but it would certainly feel less like an over used trope to shock people. I just hope they don’t spend half the episode building up to it i’d rather it just happen then they move on to the one thing i can look forward to this season,

I feel the same but child rape seemed out of bounds till this last ep so i don’t know what to think