
Based on the preview it looks like she’s going to wear a different face but i can’t be sure.

Just a guess based on the ep and preview

yeah I’m pretty sure i’m not allowing my daughter to watch it till i see how far they go. though I don’t think the actress who plays Arya is 18 so that limits it somewhat.

We’re not going to talk about the fact that they’ve thrown child rape into the mix

I think shireens death may have scared my daughter and the whole arya dressing up as a child prostitute thing next week probably wont help.

I have a feeling they’re going to ignore the whole greyscale is communicable by simple touch bit. But now my question is do we get to see doran send an secret envoy to dany or are they tossing that plot.

So every year since xseed started bringing all these weird jrpgs to the vita?

People torrent porn?

The dragons circled high above Iwo Jima

those tanks didn’t fight on the beaches

I said we basically beat japan by ourselves and we helped beat the germans and contained the russians. We dropped the bombs to shorten the war and kill fewer people any other country would have done the same no matter what we did at that point a lot of people were going to die we chose the path that would kill fewer.

You do realize that with a few small exceptions we defeated the japs basically by our selves. and the russians would have ruled Europe with out us giving you the extra materiel and men to open up a second front in the west shortening the war by a few years. Lets not forget the fact that we also brought ww1 to an

It’s always a competition between the army and marines.

They were always trying to defend it’s just that after Saipan fell they knew it was over and switched to trying to get as high a body count as possible. And in the west the allies also bypassed the highly defended parts of the atlantic wall while planing for overlord.

What the hell are you talking about. What does any of that have to do with what i said the japs attacked us not the other way around.

What the fuck are you talking about?

The japs had to defend the coast of the home islands plus all the other islands they had to defend thats plenty of coast line probably just as much if not more than the germans.

How so? considering most assaults were joint between both forces

Which is what makes their prowess of killing all the more impressive. that such vastly outnumbered and out gunned defenses where as effective as they were.

The thing is the japs knew they could never prevent the Americans form landing so they focused all their defensive efforts in land to maximize their body count.