
130k spread across 3 nations on 5 beaches which were all bigger than most of the islands fought over in the pacific. Plus Okinowa is similar in scale in terms of the naval force but they never contested an island garrisoned with a force large enough to warrant an assault force that big.

It totally is though even with all our modern tech Mother Nature still wins out.

And the marines did the same thing every few weeks against tougher better implemented defenses.

Is the inhumans not on there or am i just missing it?

Rhode Island is 100% red

It was the transmissions that were bad not to mention the horrible weight distribution and the fact that the main crew hatch couldn’t be opened if the turret was facing forward and of course the ever present fire issue that they never really fixed.

i wish i looked that good at 160 whenever i go above 145 i develop a horrific pot belly it is truly suffering.

I agree with most of your points but early T-34s were just as unreliable as the panthers and tigers up until late 42 early 43. Hell when they show them too the americans early in the war they though that the engines air filter had been created by a saboteur and were designed to catch fire easily and kill the crew.

Well it has its roots in the fact that in the early stages of barbarossa when the germans encircled and captured millions of soviet soldiers. In addition large numbers of T-34s were not employed until later in the war and they were practically death traps when they attacked dug in german positions and or facing the

Ok so this isn’t exactly on topic but it wasn’t my EX that freaked out it was my family that freaked out and is still in the process of freaking out about. They freaked out because my fiancé had the gaul to be both brown and a Muslim which really sent them over the edge.

This game is lewd as fuck cant wait for it to arrive.

My problem with it is that the character models still look like crap everything else looks fine but the engine they use for these games can’t do proper people for some reason.

If you had ever been to or lived near Boston that question would answer it’s self but its just not nearly as cool and interesting as people think and full of horrible horrible people.

Kinda wish it wasn’t set in Boston but its better than NYC.

Mods have unlocked the mongols for a long time before now...

After showing my girlfriend this article she has decided to start holding all of her beverages with her tits. Not for cancer or anything but because it amuses her that she can.

I just want someone to challenge Hillary who i don’t like and wont vote for but she is the best they’ve got so i guess i can settle for her.

There’s a lot wrong with being an anime nerd i am one so i should know.

Finally an episode of GOT i can talk about with my daughter that doesn’t involve rape or the possible death of our joint crush brom.

The surgeon did a great job on her face.