
considering sony has never allowed a game with nudiity on its consoles in japan this doesnt surprise me.

whats the point since after 4k your eye can’t even see the pixels anymore?

Who was the first female senator/rep put her on there

someone needs to make a shop where i can buy just the boxes the movies come in so i can finally stop buying blu-rays

Yes i believe thats where the bulk of the remaining Zoroastrians live. but the religion started in and around Iraq and syria but was driven out by successive waves of first Christians then muslims and forced into small pockets near the caucuses and modern day Uzbekistan near the Aarl sea. they where then met with even

As far as i know the religion it's self is pretty much dead but they do exists as a culture with most being muslim along with a few remaining Zoroastrians.

Tablets to this day i've never used one.

For the trailers maybe but all of these clips add up

I feel like i've already seen 3/4's of the movie by now

No refunds

Clearly he wants pictures, pictures of spiderman.

its like they don’t even want people to give them their money

Winston is destined to become a jet it has to happen

Its my favorite because i get to play as a qt cat girl what else can i say

I felt the same about guardians of the galaxy.

Furys been black for a while and besides Johnny storm most of those are bit characters at best and if they did change a bunch of bit parts to be black you'd call them racist for only giving the black characters bit parts.

I wonder how much of a pay cut Reynolds took to get deadpool that R

It's hard to do when someone else already made them white.

It's not like we don't already know what happens

There are no games with nudity on any sony console in japan