
the republicans cant get the black vote or the women’s vote and without at least one of those you can’t win any regardless of my distrust of hilary.

I never understood why they thought making it mandatory was a good idea.

Can’t be any worse than Chaos;head.

Oh god forbid us poor ignorant westerners don’t get every subtle reference in

Costume really? It's not like she went out and ran with a full burqa on.

one day i saw QPR playing on ESPN, they looked like a good team so i figured i'd make them the EPL team i rooted for, it was a mistake but a happy one.

I hope he gets shot.

If this is so common why write about it?

Really a preview of an anime/video game looks diffrent than the final product? How shocking.

shouldn't we not want any type of system dominated by one sex? or is this another one of jezebel's wet dreams?

Westeros hands down.

I think that since Rynolds seems really into the character this has a good chance of happening.

I wonder how much time he spends with the whole outfit on?

If anyone want’s a slightly more detail description just go Here it also has air times

I'd much rather have a Sherlock and Luther crossover.

They could all just abdicate the throne they don’t have to die.

Why is this a big deal they pull shit like this all the time over there.

the quality really takes a hit when you get to boston. glad to see the weebs keeping up the cities horrible reputation.

This is totaly different though the cultural differnces are way bigger than the FRG and DDR.

i think the only way you could trully be behind this was if they added some sort of anti-sub weapons depth charges torpedoes and the like. Besides i feel like any sub captain worth his salt could avoid/outrun or destroy one of these but hey at least they're relatively cheap compared to the rest of the US Navies