

Bring on the cat girls!

the Chinese and russians have some advantage on the ground but in terms of pure naval power the only comaparable force is the british navy circa 1900. While they may be lightyears apart in tech they are the two greatest projections of power in human history.

How is not being a whiney brat impossible?

well suffice to say that 2 1/2 years ago when they implement the BR system and began to focus on arcade mode the game went down hill fast.

i don't think its outright been confirmed but it's assumed that that is what he will be playing.

so is WB not just content with ruining their DC IP's now they want to ruin Mad Max by putting this trailer before hand? For shame WB for shame.

I don’t blame you for ignorance if you haven’t played the game for that long but used it to be better

Clearly you never played it before BR was introduced.

Already got one

considering they fucked it in the first place that’s unlikely

well the russian bias the horrible horrible BR system the fact that all of the german plane under perform spacefires the fact that they got rid of sim mode bomber spam the terrible mods and the inability to mention axis aces with out getting banned the horrible MM that you have to pay to squad up with more than 1

it’s a horribly imbalanced and a shoddily run game i say this with over 400 hours of game time

it’s shit why would she mention it?

warthunder is shit don’t play it

i don't think the grunts joke is that bad.

If i wanted that i’d go punish my daughter.

she was a realistic whiney brat.

i think that dany has become less and less capable as the books have moved onward.

too bad she's such a shitty character for the first 3 or so books then she finally becomes interesting and gets off my "hope you die because your chapters are awful" list.