
here's hoping we get a decent cam of this once it's out.

whats with the asia one why is the last one not the tallest?

they can also have a tough time with proper pacing and dialogue in more action oriented movies

i'd love to see what they could do with the budget of a hollywood blockbuster.

the cg was better than expected not great but still better than most jap movies.

i dunno most of the turns aren't really that surprising the only good surprise was the whole titans are humans but it went to shit quickly.

looks like a fujoshi's wet dream

i felt like i was playing as a japanse metal band in a fujoshi's FF doujin, but it was pretty good overall just the same terrible UI tough camera and mediocre dialogue i come to expect from FF games.

there is but they don't sub the combat dialogue

oh you crazy brits are at it again though most highschool boys will fuck anything that moves i don't think this will work.

Bill Murray has come to a few games its great he's always so damn nice.

context is that hurley got called for a tech for some vauge unknown reason that was never really explained so he was pissed.

You know for a country where fucking children is a major source of tourism i find this very pathetic.

dress joke

dress joke

The pirates of the carribean were pretty low brow as well if i remember correctly.

did you not see GOG? That was a pretty crass movie at least in terms of disney movies.

i can't remember the last FF i played that didn't have a crazy disjointed story full of words i can't properly pronounce.

i appreciate the sentiment behind the no movie end but i'd love to see a 200 million dollar finale. But that would only work if ther was some epic end and GRRM has stayed away from those types of awesome set pice moments.

wonder womans costume is good but supes just looks like superboy but with a different shirt.

the fake arya could work well with the show just based on the fact that they're putting the reek storyline center stage.