
this is why i stick to loli no one gets hurt

it's only a war crime if you loose

about how future monies

what about arkham knight?

fuck you DC give me my dream GL Idris Elba we all know John Stewart is the superior GL

I didn't know the japs drove on the other side of the road.

i didn't even know there was a top gear usa till yesterday

what mystery it's basically just the matrix with titans instead of computers.

but it has no white people in it though despite the whole cast sans misaka being white it's an outrage that will never be allowed by hollywood.

the stiens gate clock is a nice touch

why should i care about this again? Oohhh they made a gay side character in a book look how wonderfull this is.

yeah but this is JJ we're talking about so you may want to lower your expectations even more because of that.

6 or seven dollars for those burgers? Thats like half what i thought they would cost.

you people didn't already know how hard to get into and shitty it was to work in the anime industry? Its a enough of a pain in the ass just living there as a foriegner let alone working as an animator especially when they're outsourcing that particular job out to koreans more and more to keep costs down.

can't wait to see it explode.

naw i still should have that was just an unfortunate side effect

yep being part of my childs sexual fantasies was not what i signed up for.

my daughter recently told me she got off on the spankings i gave her, i wish she hadn't

that ewok question really highlights one of the better parts of the family guy parodies of the movies. I'm speaking of the part in the third one where after taking the sheild bunker the first time Han(peter) tells a pair of imperial officers to dig their own graves and then tells one to cut the others face off and

what do we do if we get another origin story?