
really huh maybe it was an OVA or maybe it was just a being stupid like always

CCS will happen soon enough and i thought that utena was already getting a remake

is this a ps4 exclusive or is it coming to pc as well?

it would have been better if it was split up that would have served the source better

to be fair kahn is from india correct and niether one of the two actors are from there

howtu really you couldn't just stick with howto or even how to?

they look like a bunch of fags not a bad boy in the bunch

i dont think i'll ever own a wii u in fact i've never owned a pice of nintendo hardware ever

this is why we need an extreme leftist party then them and the tea party can kill each other

it's not much of a "science" as it is

not being a totalist

i dunno Franco did a pretty good job of ruling and wasn't much of a "basement dweller"

why would you need an arcade controller?

why not just import it i've done it with both project diva games

Honestly the democratic primary will be her toughest challenge i've never really been a fan of her but i dont really see many options besiders her it's times like this i wish there was a leftist version of the tea party i would make the elections way more interesting

yes but range and accuracy are a problem also we dont really know if it will work also most nimitz class carriers have really effective anti missle systems and its likely we wouldnt put them within range till after we've achived air dominace over the South China Sea so that ee could easily destroy the launch sites

nah it you combined russias fleet with europe that would be enough probably add in the japs and china and we'd loose for sure

why would you put windows on it a video screen makes so much more sense

if the economy collapses then people will die so either way people will die and whose to say that people in these countrys that china fights will die too so war will happen in asia eventually and the us will be drawn in or it will simply come to us instead we can't allow one nation be it india russia or china to

well the first stage of a possible naval conflict would be to contain the Chinese navy in the south china sea then establish air superiority over the same sea then eliminate the Chinese coastal anti ship battery's then move the fleet into the position to protect a possible invasion force and attack Chinese shipping