
but the problem with china is the way she currently operates her foreign policy which is very antagonistic towards three very close and very key us ally and the history between them and japan forces us to view them a eventual threat to the stability of the region and if that region becomes too unstable or too

that's only true if the other side doesn't already see you as an eventual enemy

their navy is also mainly small corvets designed to protect their coastline and such and possibly against smaller nations their anti ship missiles are pretty scary if they actually work as they are supposed to that is

i know that japans military is deceptively sized clearly you don't realize how easy with out us carriers it would be for the Chinese to blitz their way to the main islands especially if they roll over both Taiwan and south Korea which would easily happen in this kind of war. the current Japanese army, navy, and air

ha against the chinese the japs would get shit on and clearly you don't understand what a military alliance is or what that means or how disastrous an chines ruled or atleast controlled Japan Korea would be

well we would easily destroy the chinese in a naval conflict if it started today so we could honestly afford to consolidate our navy

we gotta protect the Philippines Japan and Taiwan so we will get involved and we should we are honor bound to come to the aid of nations which we have military alliances with

I was hopping for a persona 5 trailer but we'll have to wait for TGS I suppose

i'll never understand your love of this show i mean the first cour was pretty good but the second one was pretty rough but to each his own

we lost patriots for this shit fuck you ubi

my page is just stuck on authenticating


pretty much its 100% russian now with some small groups of Germans but that's what i said

not very good seats are they?

yeah plus most Germans in those areas were either deported or killed at the end of the war so you guys have no real claim there anymore god i miss Germanys pre WW1 borders

yes but what if Poland "gives" you the territory i also doubt you guys will ever get east Prussia back didn't you guys already turn it down once already?

Well i neither know how much time either of those represent so it really isnt this should have been like 5 bucks at most since its a 2 1/2 hour mission for most people

implying they'd care it probably will come with it or a special edition at most i still dont understand how anyone could justify buying it on its own

but i dont have a 3ds thats my excuse