
it had a very misleading title though

If you like books about WW1 i recommend the white war its about the Italian front though since its focused on Italys point of view you may not like it as much the guns of August is also a good read

the question is does he betray someone

oh you

this is why i only fap to art

Not really IMO kotaku east would probably be better if it was spun off into a sub blog like the concourse is to deadspin or something of the like

it has nothing to do with skill and everything to do rith prefrence

well shit i dunno a about golden eye which does require skill despite what you say and so do games like the older halo games where all the weapons are pickups but he if you like your free super weapon go back to cod

you seem to have a problem with the fundementals of halo or any game where all the weapons are pickups and with what bungie did in reach changed the core game to much and now its all about kill streaks and not anything else

but thats what halo is all about controlling the map for your team or self i'm starting to think you never even played halo 2 or 3 with the way your complaining

but doing so killed the balance of the classic halo typ games where you dont unlock stuff you just have to get to it

how drunk do i have to be to work at deadspin?

I don't get it either just looked sort of genaric till the space ship showed up at the end

But the loadout system is the exact opposite of the old school halo games

Except halo 4 was more like cods mp than halo 3 mp

isn't Charlemagne a boys name? also who names their kid Kahleesis why at least Daeneryses is an actual name Kahleesis is a title

i will not read that

cant wait for arya to go full on loli assassin

New england is a desolate fast food wasteland i hate how we have none of the good places

I'm pretty sure there aren't any in mass i'm no sure but where i live across the border there are none