
no wii u ha i just wish it was just pc ps4 xbone

looks like female duke nukem could be cool but looks like shit now at least it will hopefully improve

the whole thing has a phallic undertone


considering the alternative it came out well same in the pacific

we didn't really support either group we preferred the KMT but the commies were better at killing japs and at the time thats all that mattered

Yeah but what i meant was they can press harder because the west is distracted by ukraine

they see that the west is distracted by ukraine so its the perfect time to do this type of thing

WW2 called it would like a word with you

they still resent the fact that less than 100 years ago we put down several independance rebellions hard and bloody we were better than the spainards but not by much

i wish i still had this feeling since i already paid for the special edition before when it was originally supposed to come out

i like the look of the batmobile

The ps4 is better but only marginaly so

Sony sold close to twice as many ps4s than xbone's is what happened

its shit thats why

i think they'll do something just to constantly undercut Microsoft

consoles are always sold at a loss for the first few years and even beyond that sometimes its more about total volume than anything

god i love her speech impediment

isn't she tywins spy in the books either way i do really like the fate she ends up with in the book and i hope they keep it in the show

warthund still probably i have the special edition of watch dogs fully paid off too from when it was a PS4 launch title i don't think i'll actually get around to playing it i might just sell it on ebay or amazon and try to make some money off it though i do hope to get the next wolf amoung us chapter if it doesn't