Found this on Google: []
Found this on Google: []
You might just want to post on forums and sites like these that will have technically savvy people, and keep your own list of beta testers.
Alright, I've got two problems involving email forwarding in standard Gmail, and Gmail on Google apps (the second, I've already posted in open thread)
How about wrapping the cords in black electrical tape in the spots where you glue them? Then you can just remove the tape (or at the very least, the tape will break before your cables)
You can't go wrong with Asus. For that budget, you can get one suitable for gaming. Check out their website ([,] go to Products -> Notebooks, and look in the "Gaming Powerhouse" section.
I use Beyond Hosting. []
The guy in the green shirt is an advanced user. Average users use "123"
Perhaps removing the 90-day password change would help. Required password changes don't do much for security, because people start using passwords that are easy enough for anyone to guess.
Every major website will get breached. It's not a matter of "if". It's a matter of "when" and "how". Heck even Google had a security breach a while ago.
One trick I use to make passwords impossible to guess is the use of international characters. Set your keyboard layout to "USA International (AltGr deadkeys)" (That's the name in Linux... No idea what it's called in other OSs), and hold your 3rd-level key (right Alt by default, but I set it to the menu key because I…
My parents used to go to the dumpster by the garden center at walmart and get tons of plants, potting soil, and mulch to fill up their garden.
I still haven't managed a solution to this...
If that laptop can manage Vista, it could run damn near anything. 7 is more lightweight than Vista.
Check your num lock. Laptop keyboards have the numpad layed across alphabet keys (usually in blue letters), if numlock is on, you're typing numbers on those keys instead of letters.
Check out TrueCrypt. I'm pretty sure it does what you're asking.
I don't know that Dvorak is much better than Qwerty, if at all.
I second this. Ubuntu will fix that up (assuming there are no hardware issues that you can't fix. With Maverick though, most hardware issues are a thing of the past)
Nice (appropriate?) post for the "reward".
Say interesting stuff. (I know. It's difficult in 140 characters)
Alright, so I'm using Firefox (still haven't upgraded to 4 because half my extensions are broken, haha) as my browser for recreation, and Chrome as my browser for work. Overall, Chrome is doing splendidly, save a single annoyance: