Gilbert Stogdill

This is not about the XBox division, it’s about the console. Both the XBox and Playstation consoles are generally never profitable. They make up the losses elsewhere.

Consoles have always been loss leaders for Playstation too.  

I think most people outside the video game fandom would be surprised that the consoles themselves aren’t profitable, based on how big the industry is.

One of the best things about this raid: After you clear it you get to explore the area at your own leisure without a group to pressure you into just running through.

So basically Epic pulled some shady and manipulative trickery and didn’t tell people ahead of time, and then when companies said, “Hold up! We didn’t agree to this!”, Epic tried to paint it as those companies being unreasonable?

And we should post dumb, passive-aggressive comments all over the same article, apparently.

Right mate, like WUT?! Just bought that Spidey PS4 Pro too.

This should have been on consoles. Wild Star had console MMO written all over it.