
@sissylarue: Can you please not generalize your experience to other people? I've been with a half dozen laboring women in the last three months, and none of them was panicky, and none of them refused things without listening.

@la.donna.pietra: And so what? A doctor can be the most experienced, educated, well-respected medical authority on the entire planet Earth and if he puts his hands on me when I've told him not to he's still wrong. If he jams his hand into my vagina when I've said no, he's still committing sexual assault. If he cuts my

@la.donna.pietra: Yes, but individuals live in their own bodies every day of their lives, and just because someone has a medical degree doesn't mean that they by default _know better_, especially if they refuse to listen to and consider the information that the patient is bring to the table. We are not objects, we are

@sissylarue: I understand the advantages of modern medical care, but isn't part of the issue that women are being forced to birth in particular ways, or having their birth choices (and their bodies) violated by physicians who ignore their autonomous requests?

@cait98: Consent to what exactly? And your sympathy doesn't count here. This isn't about bedside manner. This is about someone shoving their hands and machines and instruments into your vagina and anus when you don't want them to. This is not about women learning to be reasonable. This is about the medical system