
Right on, movie soul sister!

Yep. It’s in the companies’ bed interest if it's not considered a sport.

I reproduce by releasing spores into the air, you’re right to be wary.

Isn’t one of the reasons it’s so dangerous is that, since it’s “not a sport” it doesn’t require the samE safety regs as football and “real” sports. (Also doesn't it have a higher injury rate then football??)

I have two daughters in all star cheer... hair has to be up for safety reasons and for competition hair is absolutely part of the “uniform”. We have a great coach who never takes it over the top .... but if she says high pony (which is 100% the norm) straight or curled... that’s what you do.

We did this when my dance company went to Disney World to perform, and I definitely preferred it to curling my hair. Looked more uniform too. Irish Step dancers do it as well, out of tradition. The problem is that if you don’t secure it properly, it will fly off and everyone will laugh at you.

Let me rephrase: adults should do whatever they want to their hair to please themselves. But subjecting children to regular hair processing to change what they naturally have is stupid.

Yes! I was just thinking about this the other day. Elementary school/Jr high was all about spiral perms even though most of us always turned out like Bozo the Clown. This girl’s hair looks like it could be put into a high ponytail easily. WTF is the point in splitting hairs (no pun) about the texture of her hair once

It’s straight up insanity. Kid Electron’s classmate started up with an all-star cheer program, and her mom’s been putting pressure on me to sign up Kid as well. It would cost more per month than her school tuition, and that’s not including the mandatory practice uniforms, two performance uniforms and assorted poms

Cuckoo bananas is the perfect description for it.

Have you seen the Penn and Teller’s Bullshit episode about cheerleading? It's fascinating and everyone should watch it right now. They discuss not only it's status as a sport, injuries (including interviewing a girl aho was paralyzed from cheerleading) and the bizzarre corporate conspiracy that owns everything from

Much better on mute.

You said this way better than I could. Cheers to putting my sentimental recall into words!

My sentimental recall wants me to urge you to watch it. It's angsty, of course. I would watch it when it suits your mood, in that way.

Do you really have an hour and a half of better shit to do?

They just can’t get the flock together, you know?

I’m getting annoyed with all the unnecessary reboots. Do better, Hollywood and work on new ideas.

I always hoped that I was smarter than Ann Coulter but now I have proof. I’m in a hotel room. First thing I did after kicking off my shoes (and eating the macademia nuts)? Checked that the alarm was off.

She’s basically telling the world that every inconvenience in her life is never her fault. That we, as a society- should keep only herher comfort in mind with every action.

It’s a rather telling tweet, essentially the way she sees the world. If all clocks refuse to bend to her telepathic whims clearly it is an affront perpetrated by invisible enemies.