
I’ve been in the greys for like 3 years so not sure anyone will see this, but is anyone else more afraid of Trump getting impeached then they are him staying? Its hardly been months and he’s already fucked himself, and I don’t see much getting done with the sheer incompetence in which they’re drowning.

For a million reasons it won’t ever happen, but can you imagine how amazing an impeachment trial would be? Because you know he’d insist on testifying in his own defense, and his monstrous ego + bottomless stupidity would result in the most craptacular, self-incriminating pile of steaming, fly-buzzing shit ever uttered

Because the impeachment process is a political process, not a legal one. It’s conducted by Congress, and both houses of Congress are currently majority-Republican.

Because the people who’s job it is to kick him out of office are the ones working for him. Seriously. The AG has to bring charges—you know, the one who had to recuse himself from the FBI investigation since he was colluding with *45 and the Russians—and the House has to do the impeachment thing—you know, the ones who

Similarly confused U.S. citizen here..

Can someone please explain to this German why the hell you can’t just kick Trump out of office after all that he has done? Why isn’t he being impeached? Why is there no way to stop a power crazy, mentally ill, basically traitorous president if he so clearly threatens the security of the country he is supposed to

This is exactly why he admitted to obstruction of justice in firing Comey. If he had stuck with the cover-up lie his Administration was pushing, he would have been saying he didn’t call the shots, and he couldn’t bear to do that.

That would be just fine.

I know. I wish he wasn’t such a massive, repulsive, suppurating pustule on the face of humanity — and that I didn’t rightly loathe him with every fiber of my being.

Everything he does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens that he literally thinks he is the only person in the world. Everything revolves around making sure other people know how much power he has, how much money he (allegedly) has, how many ‘hot’ young wives he can have and are appropriately awed by him.

I like to imagine those investigators are still there, sitting on the beach wearing aloha shirts, sunglasses, and fedoras and drinking out of a coconut.

Unfortunately, democracy as practiced in the united states is like the subway in Boston. It’s the first one, and is seriously showing its age and lack of both modernity and regular maintenance.

Yeah, since when has voting become a privilege and stopped being a right?

Right. After racism was ended it was time to defend the rights of those amongst us who are the most vulnerable: corporations.

Ah yes, the end of racism, so the protections of voter rights were “no longer required.” (I’m sure Jeffie Sessions could tell you all about it.) All these dirty tricks have been in play and featured prominently in Bush W’s “elections,” along with voting machine tally tampering and the destruction of the integrity of

Basically all of the Jim Crow-era tricks that were outlawed by the Supreme Court only to be re-lawed after racism ended in 2008.

It’s late. I’m barely playing 1.5d chess, wasn’t educated at Wharton and the last time I tried to grab some pussy I got the shit scratched out of me and had an asthma attack. Clearly it’s amateur hour in my neck of the woods.

Two things to consider:

“Voter Fraud” is a GOP code phrase for their excuse to repress voting by those likely to vote Democratic. They have lots of tricks, like requiring extra ID that is hard to get or costs money, restricting voting hours, reducing numbers of voting machines in wards that are Dem-majority to generate hours-long lines, not

So, like, when is he going to release the report of what he found when he sent his suited goons to Hawaii to “investigate” Obama’s birth? He’s also putting a whole helluva lot of faith in the idea that he’ll be president next year, too.