
I did place a call to my rep, but only to say “You’re doing a hell of a great job, I agree with nearly every single thing you’re doing and saying, please keep it up.”

This is happening tonight in my small town in Upstate NY. Our rep has been dodging everyone to go on Fox News(she is a first year freshman who looooooves this spotlight. She also won because of some ridiculous gerrymandering). I have diligent friends who have been calling her office every day, stopping down to get to

As some folks here know, I have a pretty minor admin role in congress, and I was once lucky enough to be graced by Grassley during a hearing that went well into the night. All the senators ordered Chinese food, for themselves and their staff, and took a small break to eat together. Everyone was enjoying themselves,

May I also suggest this sign:

I was just about to post something similar. I’m not a sore loser, I’m a pissed off citizen who doesn’t want to see my country destroyed by bigots and hypocrites.

One of my mom’s friends called our reps up for days to get a meeting. She told them she was calling the newspaper. She talked to a reporter and the reporter emailed our reps. Within hours a townhall was scheduled. She went to that meeting and told them off for gerrymandering districts in our area. In Wisconsin, it was

If your representative won’t hold a town hall, hold one yourself, invite them, invite the media, and read off a list of concerns and demands.

I live in Oregon, so I have great senators. Went to Ron Wyden’s town hall on Sunday in my small community. He was on fire and it was quite a lively crowd. He made promises to keep looking into the Russia connection. He’s clearly passionate about protecting as much as he can in the face of this onslaught of horror.

Well, in fairness, we (the left) lost by -3MM votes.

“I have never seen so many more sore losers as there are today.”

That’s the first thing I noticed too (because I tried to avoid his words to prevent rage stroke)! That yellow curtain just accentuates how completely orange his face is, they’re practically in the same colour family, which really shouldn’t happen unless you have jaundice or is hopelessly addicted to carrots. I mean,

I didn’t watch this and am not planning to, but I read parts of it on Rolling Stone and Vox and holy crap. I couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe I’m in denial, because nothing about this is funny.

I mean, look at this:

New Twitter motto:

At no point did he even utter a complete declarative sentence.

Disney villains are always the most popular characters when it comes to collectibles.

The thing I hate most about this administration is the amount of anger and disgust I feel almost continually. President Fuckface is harshing my mellow.  

“I’m not a bad person...I do get good ratings”

Looking over my twitter feed it was impossible to tell which things were exaggerated for comedic effect and which were just direct quotes.

You know what’s really depressing? Read the government’s brief in the Ninth Circuit case (just filed today), where they say that they won’t seek en banc review but go on to expound on the errors committed by the panel anyway.

I’ve never seen such a smart group of lawyers bend themselves so readily and single-mindedly

Mr. Trump at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.