
Maybe, maybe not. I'm not an IP attorney, but I did take copyright in law school. As I recall, a sound recording was not subject to copyright until the early 1990s I want to say. Before that, it was the sheet music exclusively if you wanted to copyright a song. It was goofy, and I don't have my old IP law book

I've seen some that are emergency specific, and will only allow calls to 911. Just throwing that in there.

It is. Rabin's review about Hope being just terrible is correct. Watch it because it's funny, but understand you won't like the main character at all.

Same, here, but I live in a small town without a movie theater, so my perception of wide release vs. small indy is pretty screwed up.

And not just Trial and Error. Based on the NBC website, I think they aired like 5 episodes between February 1 and March 31. You can't make a show work if you don't show it.

That's my response. Speaking for myself, whenever I watch a project like this, I still need to feel that at some level, the creators cared about making a "good" product at the core of all the deliberate badness. Reasonably sympathetic characters, for example, or a plot that remains internally consistent, no matter

Ah, yes. That explains everything.

…What that hell did I just watch?

This. Four seasons of AHS wore me out, and I gave up on "Scream Queens" after the first 30 minutes. Never had much use for "Glee" either.

No, he clearly means Kitt. And don't call him Shirley.

Or Steven Seagal, which would be quite the meal at this point.

The best part about that line is that it can be read as Mark's self-deprecating admission that they were idiots, or it can be read as Mark's utter obliviousness. And it's equally funny either way.

Mark Dias isn't around. Where's Mark Dias?

Thank you for making this joke, so I didn't have to.

I was just about to post something similar. Bradley Whitford, Michael Imperioli, and Linus Roache are all pretty great, so from the talent perspective, I guess they are "ringers". From the "star-power box office draw" perspective, well, maybe, maybe not.

He's the heir to the O'Brien shoe fortune. So he has money to throw around.

Oh, but not as Tuco Ramirez? That's just racist.

Ah, ok, I see what you mean.

I don't see where I claimed to be a purist or held myself out as one.

This. Getting an order for DNA still requires probable cause to believe said DNA will have yield some evidence. The affidavit would certainly have to acknowledge that she still has two perfectly good ears that do not seem fake, altered, etc to the human eye. That alone would probably prompt the judge to deny the