
That’s fucked up. Anyway, you guys wanna see my autographed photo of LL Cool J?


“See, now here’s a high character guy who is going to be great.”

Goodell: Two games!

Just fucking wrap up and tackle the guy hard.

Criminally underrated

If Brees is out for an extended period of time, I know one QB on the free agent market who many already believe to be a Saint.

There’s so much going on here, but I really can’t stop laughing at how perfectly the Buffalo Wild Wings signage is framed throughout. Camera pans around it like it’s a level in Street Fighter.

“Oh look, a former HS player Deadspin commenter who thinks he can (looks at user name) ......oh.

Judging by the last fumble, the magic does not extend to his hands.

If you’re reading a 20 percent alert it’s too late.

Maybe I’ve just reached a certain age, but for some reason this year all the Apple hype is making me want to throw my old iPhone off the nearest skyscraper, followed quickly by myself. It’s all so goddamn fake and wasteful (and, spoiler, nothing is actually new and exciting!) and yet people are still caring the SHIT

Sorry Carley Fiori, whoever you are, but I’ve been drinking beer and smoking weed since forever and never do drugs.

This movie looks legit. Great write up.

Totally full of shit. No one remembers anything about Gerald Williams.

Somebody plunk this kid, please.

Lawler was immediately challenged to a Coffin Match by Mae Young and The Fabulous Moolah.

Goddamn wrestling is a vicious business. The King's only 62, and in decent shape, it's awful to think of him having a heart attack. Combine nonstop pain, a push to put your body in more and more agony to keep your job, unlimited access to pills and booze to fight the pain, a 365-day schedule on the road with no