
But taxpayer funds go to the state universities such as Michigan State, correct? So yes, coaches are often listed as the highest public paid employee in the state.

These guys do not deserve to be fired, let’s get that out of the way now. Also, while in poor taste, maybe the kid was allowed to play because his charges were pending and ultimately reduced to a littering infraction. Do we have the tape? Just curious.

That’s so not the point it hurts.

:38-:42 seconds she apparently says mayonnaise but I challenge anyone to f****** decipher that as long as they don’t keep listening when she, *ahem*, elaborates. And yes, she says ‘Roman’ lettuce which pisses me off more than when people say “nuke-u-lur” weapons.

lol :-/ a women’s site that posts about this disaster but has no article about Jemele Hill basically getting fired i.e. losing her show and being relegated to .com material.

Seriously, just play it out, “may i have a pork roll, egg, and cheese on a bagel, please.” UGHHHHHHHHHH

If that’s not a ‘gather’ i dunno what is apparently ;-)

born and raised and still live in North Jersey and I’ve never heard anybody call Taylor ham pork roll in my entire life, makes me f****** crazy when I hear people try and justify it.

Can we please stop calling Taylor ham pork roll, it sounds ridiculously stupid that way. Nobody orders f****** pork roll, they get Taylor ham egg and cheese not pork roll egg and cheese *smh* 👿👿👿

....no, though Hester should have a mention in the building in the special teams area.

Forget best at his job, he revolutionized the position and showed people it could be a role of incredible value. His Hall of Fame numbers aside, that’s the biggest part of his legacy to the game.

I loved when he was hitting in the mid 50s for a few years in a row and no one ever talked about him breaking 61 :-) He was the best pure power-hitter/overall player ever until those injuries hit and he still put up absurd numbers. Griffey to this day has the sweetest, most effortless swing I’ve ever seen.

I agree, there is ZERO discussion here, Martinez should already be in the hall of fame based on statistics alone. The fact that he revolutionized the DH position and showed it could be a role of immense value only cements this point of view. Anyone that disagrees about Martinez being in the hall is a disgrace and is

Martinez and Ortiz should both be locks. Anyone who disagrees has no business commenting in threads like this.

As a position player, if McGriff doesn’t get in how can we warrant Walker’s induction? Serious question btw...also, Martinez was a DH, Walker played in the field, you can compare stats (even inflated Colorado numbers) but that’s about it. Martinez should already be in for his #s AND revolutionizing the DH position

if he was smart he’d know damn well using basic stats like average and OBP, Martinez is a hall of fame player that revolutionized the DH position...there’s no argument here, if you don’t think he’s deserving than you’re clueless when it comes to sports.

It’s so aggravating when some of you guys dip into the advanced metrics as though they mean more than the basic statistics, i.e. the only things that should really matter. Career OBP of .418, average of .312, over 300 career homers, 1200+ RBIs, etc....Edgar was ALWAYS a consistent, dangerous threat at the plate to put

Let’s just keep the fingers down from now on, eh? Hiyooooooooo

Looks better than it did but it’s still in two pieces.

(one very smart writer I know suggested he may have been influenced to vote for Larry Walker instead of Fred McGriff because Walker was trending positively and McGriff flatlining, and he saw McGriff as a wasted vote.)