
whyyyyy...stop apologizing for normal things dammit!

That black guy sounds mad guilty.

I'd like to think the average Deadspin reader is more athletic than this goofball.

they beat Louisville who was number 1 in the nation when I was there

I graduated with a Bachelors in 07 and from the Graduate School of Education in 08, sounds like you were there when I was as well

yep we had class together

god I love my alma mater

honestly, if you thought this decision was going the other way you're a f****** moron

I’m glad I did not watch the entire video to only find out that the car never drifts

I have no problem watching short clips of sub would be a specific part of the game, and I also admit to have watched some of the streaming on PlayStation 4, but yeah, if you’re having a sleepover you better f****** be playing games not watching them

My first msg was prob a/s/l?

and she will lose on the grounds that simply signing off on a license has no impact on your own personal existence

Yea, and those jaggos should stay home :-)

none of her story makes any sense, why would Derrick Rose and a friend chase her down just to rape her? That's a bridge too far for me.

Thats a pic of AJ Pierzynski?

Who wants to take the bet that he was DEFINITELY zanny-bopped.

what annoys me is that my town has three little leagues but we could only take players from the league that won a small tourney between the three. We could not take the best players from each league in town to create what realistically would have been an all star team. Even so we made it all the way to the Final Four

I think we should draw the line at high fiving the opposing teams players after home runs as they round the bases. I can't think of something that pisses me off and boils me inside more than watching kids do that. I'm not sure where the hell they got that from but they certainly should not be talked to give high fives

who's pressuring them? Last time I checked blowing the opponent wasn't exactly step 1 in competitive sports.

Balky bartokimus from the island of meepos!