
my bad, I meant that as a complement in terms of the background that you have and what not :-) my hope is that people would look past the age and common archetypes for video game characters and appreciate its greatness for what it still is... I guess it’s all personal preference as I find correlation in the fact that

Thanks for the post...I think a lot of your criticisms lie in the simple fact that this game was originally made 20 years ago... I think a lot of the storytelling issues and and that you have will easily be eliminated with a modern update... Obviously nostalgia plays a big part but in my opinion but the story his

to the morons that keep saying this game has not aged gracefully, I’m not sure what you’ve been playing but shame on you for blaspheming what is basically the gospel and pinnacle of Japanese RPGs

perfect combination of setting and storytelling, yes..no Western RPG has come close since


let's not forget it was followed up by Shenmue 3

it’s clear to me now that the reason Final Fantasy 15 took so long to come out is because they were spending an ample amount of time working on this remake of Final Fantasy 7... The CG / would I believe some in game engine was truly breathtaking and really seemed to capture the gritty experience in setting that is

I respectfully disagree, Final Fantasy 7 is still one of the best games of all time and the benchmark in terms of storytelling and emotional attachment to character development... Add to that the perfect setting and you have hey unique combination culminating in my opinion the greatest game of all time. I'd rather

this game looks so god damn awesome I can’t contain myself, the character development even through goofy stuff like this is exactly what the series needs... The devil was incredible and I expect the full game to be nothing short of greatness... Hopefully they sell enough copies to start working on 7

GTA has the stiffest animations of any game I’ve ever played, The Witcher even has stiff animations but that doesn’t stop people from enjoying it so I hate when they make complaints like this that are not necessarily warranted.

november 10th!

since I think my previous post was deleted..

Worst? I counted like less than 5 things that they didn't hold their word on.

Who the fox is Sami Zayn?

Hes wearing bike shorts..I challenge anyone to have a tremendous girth and length with those on

this must be cosmic and the stars must have aligned because I was just watching an interview with Pacino on Charlie Rose and they brought up Dog Day Afternoon and so I went on IMDB and watched the trailer and was amazed that this was a real movie based on a real event... And then I come here and look at what I see, an

A clean shaven Kershaw.

The (original) Wicker Man...

YES! was just thinking about this the other day, I hope they bring it back.