
300lbs. is the way to polite..

or you can drill a hole down the center of the bat handle and insert some sort of metal rod for stability.


what’s scarier is that he had an incredibly well-rounded game all things considered.

he also sat out pretty much the entire year at Duke with a toe injury...hopefully it’s just an early career injury bug just like Steph Curry was hit with his ankles...remember when they didn’t wanna pay him because of that? Otherwise he becomes Derrick Rose...I love killa Kyrie, though, dude was mad cool when he was

Isn’t tendinitis just soreness and not necessarily something that will lead to damage structurally? Or is it considered a precursor? Just curious.

they kept this filth for 14 years but canceled Round House, All That, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Are You Afraid of the Dark, and G.U.T.S? Lest not forget the foundation with Pete & Pete...damn, 14 years? Guess teen drama really sells.

Tapes pretty lame but shes super cute..like the way i picture sleazy in total recall

is this a real article?

imagine if he actually went to North Carolina like he was supposed to... The good old days.

his dong is tucked where his butt would be

am I the only one that doesn’t blame the father for this?

this is clearly an in-game engine and the graphics look incredible, I’m absolutely shocked that people are bitching about graphics that are better than the Witcher 3

well that didn’t take long, fallout is now the best looking open world game on a system just from that trailer alone... If they do what they did with 3 we will see it in the fall but I imagine an early 2016 release date.

I can't believe that Florida paid him 300 million dollars just to hit home runs, because he certainly isn't getting on base with his 220 average... At this rate his contract will go down as one of the worst in baseball history... It's inexcusable to give a guy that can't hit for average that kind of money, plain and

of course he’s smiling, he fleeced the Marlins for 300 million dollars while he’s only batting .220... His contract will go down in history as one of baseballs worst of all time, no question.


Men should never wear sandals, even at the beach. If you do you better be wearing socks...this is non-negotiable.

not sure why the 300 million dollar man is smiling when he’s barely batting. 220

After all that just a c-? Could be worse I suppose..