
I made the same critique of squares persistent usage of ridiculous stories and character names about a year ago, and I was shut down. I'm glad someone else noticed.

type 0 is going to be amazing, but I'm one of those people that would have paid $60 for a demo of 15 hands down no problem... And I'm sure there are many more like me

not sure who you are listening to but Van Gundy is one of the best announcers in sports

only way men should wear sandals!

Chloe is spot in...unfortunately she forgot to include iggy azalea in that group.

As I said with regards to Mike Brown, even though this is a tragic and sad incident it is NOT the kind of case that civil rights groups should go all in on. It is practically impossible to convince the American people that the police officer was wrong in shooting the victim if the victim attacked the cop, first. By

from what I understand there are still police officers on that panel

which then could lead to legal action

Chick looks like Anna Dugger

A black catcher? Last one I seen since Josh Gibson.

haha, I don't, and it may have happened, but that doesn't mean it's ANYWHERE near the same thing.

vr has far more practical applications than the Kinect Everwood. That was a gimmick, VR has the potential to change business models all across the globe.

"No. It cannot."

if this were hooked up to a fleshlight-type product or fake vagina I can definitely see this replacing sex for a lot of people.

"Maybe we'll stop having sex with each other. Maybe this is the end of humanity."

using threats and acts of violence to teach your kids discipline is not okay.

well at least one eye should have been on the ball...

I think I recall in the video them having the number one rap album and a top five album on the Billboard 200... Crap, sure, and apparently a lot of people like crap

I just think one of the worst parts of the whole thing is that a large number of people in the crowd were white males, college-aged and slightly older. More proof that having the Internet doesn't make you smarter, it just makes you more partisan and boring when used the wrong ways.

So besides the fact that it misleads and promotes illegal street racing and actually breaking the law (they fully coordinate with the cops) witbout actually doing so thats a valid gripe...aside from that, though, it's by no means a bad show and if you like cars it's just as interesting as fast and loud albeit slightly