
I like this guy. He’s wrong about Trump. He’s right about Obama, Obama wanted everyone dependent on the government. History has proved Obama was the worst president we’ve ever had.

I wonder what Cornel thinks about Jay-Z partnering with famous restauranteur Ken Friedman, a well known sexual predator who had a “rape room” in one restaurant. Does Jay-Z condone sex abuse? “99 problems but a bitch ain’t one” leads me to say yes, Jay-Z has no problem with sex abuse.

Even more proud of Trump now than on the day we collectively decided to vote him in!

Wow, this site is always promoting racism and hate.

No snowflakes at Netflix. Those dudes are hardcore.

#BoycottRedBull #BoycottLindseyVonn #ResistAgainstHateSpeech

Merry Christmas

There is no such thing as an illegal immigrant. If you come / live here without permission you are a criminal. The only criminals who don’t go to jail are Clintons.

Thank you Alanis King, for a second there I was almost accepting others for their differences. Thank you for letting me know that everyone who doesn’t see things with your viewpoint is wrong, thank you for teaching me to not accept others for their differences.

Considering we had a president who backed a country that sanctioned three days of rage for not getting it’s way, of course this game came out.  

Pretty soon this SJW simulator will just let everyone be ranked top tier to free up some space in the crying room.

Remember when Stephen Colbert was begging people to watch his show, you know before Trump came along and saved his career? Stephen has always been entertainment for the bottom feeders.

Oh great, more people from Chicago paid to spread this fake shit around. No one believes you, never have, never will. Idiot.

Don’t forget to buy some of those loot boxes on the way out.

You can’t argue with social-political zealots, their decision has been made before the case even begins.

A $1 coin is rude? Your thought is perfectly symbolic of the terrible culture where everyone gets upset at everything. It’s like you don’t even understand. 100 pennies covered in filth would have been much more rude.

Ok, we did the right thing #resisting HRC, the demonic plague on politics, and elected a guy who is empowering the middle class and righting the wrongs of Obama, who wanted everyone dependent on the government and determined to spread the Muslim religion regardless of body count. But now we have to deal with little

Ugh, Disney ruined Studio Ghibli movies by casting “stars” and it looks like Pikachu’s fucked too.

Ugh, Disney ruined Studio Ghibli movies by casting “stars”, looks like Pikachu’s fucked too.

Yup. They create the sound of middle class empowerment. Unlike HRC’s teeth which create the sound of blaming and slandering Bill’s sexual harassment victims.