
Simply put, Anthony Bourdain refers to this kind of stuff as food porn.

If this attack would take out Dan Snyder with it, so be it; I'm willing to pay that price.

My suggestion to you would be to pick up the sport of rugby. There's always somebody on the team that has one.

"...and the subtle racism is something you just live with."

Say those ScarJo pics weren't hacked by somebody but they were sent to a BF. They break up and the BF wants to exact revenge. He'll send those pics to a revenge porn site so that they're on the interwebz. That's pretty much it.

You better watch yourself. If the jezzies find out about this comment, they'll slut-shame you or some other nonsense.

NPR is about as good as it gets here in the states. They'll let politics interfere sometimes but nothing like the sensationalism in virtually every other news agency.

You've got to get a lot of them to make a difference. If you're getting enough of these to make a difference, you're probably doing terribly anyway.

Silicene. It's newer than graphene and it's supposed to revolutionize this shit.

Now playing

Hi. I'm a male and I have an opinion on this: this is super-fucking creepy. I'd think you'd have to be super desperate to go this route. I know there are a lot of desperate guys but this is... I can't even finish my sentence. It does remind me of this scene from Sunny though. I hope this scenario does not come

I'm with you, I don't get brain freeze either. I do now suffer from allergies though and I'll get a sinus pressure build up that lasts about the same length of time as brain freeze. It sounds like a trade-off.

I'm sure one of them would say that they're not here to impress you.

No, it wasn't. You're cool. The guy I replied to misinterpreted what I wrote because I fail at sentence composition.

I took note of this way back when she was on (and clearly it's stuck with me, probably cause I don't like her). Where they list people's professions, in China it was something like travel agent or some other mundane job. During the reunion she had mentioned her edit made her look evil (or something), so clearly she

Question to those that have watched the television show, Survivor: is the woman in the black (excuse me, Cosmos Black) bikini, Amanda, from China? It sure looks like her and if it is her, that's hilarious.

Hmm, that didn't come out right; please allow me to rephrase. I agree. People are dumb.

Respect is the main reason. But why would you want to do that in their bed anyway? Is it like a dog that needs to mark their territory?

Seriously, what man is under 120 pounds?

She was but she was way better in Clue.

OMG, what are you doing? You need to get out of here ASAP. This place is a never-ending Kobayashi Maru.