Interesting to see two very different characters — Sally and NoHo Hank — both perform their first kills in this episode.
Interesting to see two very different characters — Sally and NoHo Hank — both perform their first kills in this episode.
“Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to do acting anymore. I found a new community with my Marine friends. I’m trying to move forward by going into the past like Marty McFly LOL.”
Yes. I recently re-watched the first 2 seasons, and thought it was weird that this kill looked so much like that first kill. Then they aged Annabeth Gish and I figured out what they were doing.
Sometimes the lack of research here astounds.
Sir, this is a Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers thread.
Jada is third place, at best.
Finally! The only take worth making about this whole controversy:
I had to fix Ewan McGregor’s quote:
I guess Leta Lestrange has a type: Hufflepuffs.
Reread the article, including the headline and the caption. What’s curiously absent? The rest of Oppenheimer’s name. It’s as if the author just refused to look it up.
“Humala bebuhla zeebuhla boobuhla humala bebuhla zeebuhla gone.”
Do you want to kill a snowman?
He’s the next Spidey alum—after Jamie Foxx—to tie together multiple generations of the franchise to the latest iteration, which stars Tom Holland.
Good gravy, CBS. Build a Zonk Museum already and charge admission.
Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it was intentional, but I heard the Chi-Lites song “Have You Seen Her?” today and thought of Sinbad’s use of it in his stand-up performance:
Enjoy it while you can. As I watched Black Lightning, I got the feeling that Jordan Calloway and Marvin “Krondon” Jones III are maybe a bit too good for the small screen. Big-screen movies (whenever they return) are in their future.
Whether the NFL has a season or not, I’m sure there’s already someone out there who named their fantasy football team Richie Incogmeato.
This is exactly the show I wanted the Lizzie McGuire update to be.
Maybe there’s an art to making a successful TV reboot, but even so, this guy has gotten rich more easily than other TV showrunners. Shouldn’t that easy money loosen him up?
I’m so confused. Why is Chex a Kellogg’s brand cereal? Chex is owned by General Mills in North America, and by Nestle everywhere else.