Uncle Randall in Arizona

I think the above post singled out the actively running show Grace and Frankie because it was also co-created by Marta Kauffman, the subject of this article.

Honest question: why is Saturday Night Live taking the summer off? It’s not like the cast members have any TV pilots or other Hollywood summer hiatus projects to work on. And don’t try the old “they need to go home and spend time with their family” excuse, because we’ve all been doing that.

When a TV show feels the need to tell its story with multiple perspectives and overlapping timelines, it’s usually to hide a thin linear plot. This episode of Killing Eve is an example of that.

The lawsuit alleged that Carlson was acting illegally, trying to shut down dissent. Board members were quitting left and right. Eventually, the lawsuit was dropped. The woman who initiated the lawsuit, Jennifer Vaden Barth, Miss North Carolina 1991 and a former MAO board member, told me in May that the lawsuit was too

Does anybody else recall the episode of original Star Trek where the trekkers are offered a life of bliss but reject it because humans require challenge in order to be happy?

I don’t know if anyone else has pointed this out yet, but the real reason Rey takes the last name Skywalker is because JJ Abrams copied a similar moment from Titanic, when Rose takes Jack’s last name upon her rescue.

Then it’s only taken over 90 years for a female composer to win that category.

Dame Judi Dench mused about her relationship to Cats and described how she sees her character, Old Deuteronomy as trans because the role has traditionally been portrayed by male actors.

They’re absolutely right. Disney+ is pronounced “Disney plus”, not “Disney slash”.

I have a Vanna White story. So I was flying from LA to Dallas and she was in the seat next to me.

This has the makings of an extremely difficult trivia question.

I don’t watch morning TV, so I only know Lara Spencer as the host of Flea Market Flip. It’s hard to imagine that someone so bland would ever say anything controversial.

Fang Dynasty?

This part of the headline is vague and could either mean:

It’s because Disney doesn’t trust their audience to think about things. They’ve spent the last 30 years beating abstract thought out of kids.

Good hombre.

In a weird coincidence, Afton Williamson and Demetrius Grosse were both on that Cinemax show Banshee. I thought that he had already left the show before she started, but IMDb indicates that their characters overlapped for 4 episodes. No idea if they shared any scenes or were even on set at the same time.

I re-watched the movie last year, for the first time since it came out. I appreciated it more because it was like a Guide to the Guide — an entry point into that world — rather than the definitive version of that world.

Does Zola the seal take requests? Granted, “I Am the Walrus” could lead to an identity crisis, and “Free Bird” is a meal alternative to fish.

I assume Storm Reid plays Zendaya’s little sister, which is genius casting and meant-to-be.