Uncle Randall in Arizona
  • This week in The West Wing: Pharma guys accused of racism for making their drugs too expensive, then firing back with facts about research cost in “In This White House,” and the President insisting on posing for a photo with an animal his staff has decided is not dignified and/or is an invitation for unflattering

That means that this scene either takes place before Poe’s precious Black One gets destroyed, Poe isn’t in his ship, or that the explosion we saw didn’t destroy his X-Wing.

So that WAS Zoe McLellan as the Congress lawyer. Her hair looks longer and thicker, and her face seems fuller. I note this because I felt the same way about Italia Ricci in last week’s season premiere. After years of stringy-haired, skinny women on TV, this is a small but nice change.

I watched the video so you don’t have to, but...

Here’s the transcribed list. They aren’t ranked.

Coach K is the Hillary Clinton of sports; nothing can stay hidden because too many people want to see him fail. So there’s no logical basis that he could ever cheat in recruiting and avoid exposure.

Transcribing annotation-free Kinja video posts since September 2017.

Came here for this. The rest of you are slackers!

Ugh, why did this have to be a video? Couldn’t you have just listed the episode numbers (like S3E10) and provided a one-sentence description? Some silly stage direction? Maybe a few tasty quotes?

30 commenters so far, most complaining, none doing what needed to be done. You’re welcome.

Good Lord, how old is David Boreanaz now? He’s way too old to be a Navy SEAL. When he started out on Buffy, he looked like Ted Danson’s OLDER brother, and had to be in his early 40s. He did 6 years of Buffy, then 5 years of Angel, then 12 years of Bones. He’s in his mid-60s now, right?

You only wrote this article for that Golden Girls watercooler moment. As long as we are shaking fists at TV clouds...

He’s also really bad at public speaking. (Not as bad as Nancy Pelosi, but really bad.) Bad public speakers can improve by restricting their comments to prewritten and rehearsed statements, but this article seems to suggest that may not be an option for him.

Skeptical of Earth at #1. The best perspective on this is “Which planet would make the coolest elementary school class presentation?” The kids who do their reports on Earth lack creativity.

Click the link in the first sentence. It takes you to an article from The Wrap. Scroll down that article and you’ll see a screenshot. It’s a penis. It’s not hidden, and it can be nothing else.

“The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that’s left of their religion.” — Grand Moff Tarkin

There was a 2016 Presidential candidate who reminded me a lot of George H.W. Bush, and her name is Hillary Clinton.

What is going on here? A lack of education might be my El Shapo.

I wonder if a professional photographer could use modern actors to re-create that image of Michael Redgrave and Maggie Smith above.

These electronic suggestions are terrific for home reading, but what about when you have to discuss the book in the classroom? There’s a nonexistent line between “I’m not made of money” and “Why can’t I use my tablet in class?”