Uncle Randall in Arizona

I gave up sometime during Season 1, but found my way back to it in Season 2 and was all in on Season 3. I think getting rid of One helped, though I could not tell you why. He was a critical part of the show’s premise, which drew me to DVR the show in the first place, but maybe the show needed to move past its premise

I enjoyed DARK MATTER and will miss it, but most of my agitation is directed toward the showrunners, who decided that leaving every plot thread unsettled was the passive-aggressive way to encourage renewal.

A stunning shot. You can really see the Scientology in her eyes.

ROGUE ONE was the first time I realized that “Rebel Alliance” was something different than “rebels” or “rebellion”. That the factions of anti-Empire sentiment had to coalesce and do something.

Great Scott! When did Christopher Lloyd visit the set of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? (I’ve been wanting to ask that since 1989.)