Uncle Randall in Arizona

“Having reviewed the ‘Moonshadow’ episode of This Is Us, the awards committee noted that the entrant unfortunately miscalculated the proportion of scenes that were period versus contemporary,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “In fact, the episode is predominately period.”

For those being cruel, please remember that you now resemble my father and I would be more than happy to pen your obituary as well.

FILED UNDER: Film, Jeff Bridges, Colin Firth, Patrick Dempsey, Renée Zellweger, Bridget Jones's Baby, Helen Fielding

Based on these videos, either some women had short hair in 1986, or there was a lot of gay male kissing.

I saw SPEED with a friend on its eighth day of release, which happened to be June 17, 1994. After catching all that Los Angeles highway action, we stopped at Walmart after to pick up something from electronics, and all the televisions were airing live coverage of OJ Simpson's white Bronco chase.

The video doesn't show it, but the Final Jeopardy category was State Capitals.

Claudia and Mike made reasonable guesses. She said Austin, home of the LBJ Presidential Library. He said Atlanta, home of the Carter Presidential Library. If neither could figure out the 1957 event on stage in 30 seconds, at least they came up with qualifying capital cities.

Certain shows are probably better when you binge watch them, especially if they have some sort of cliffhanger every episode. Like 24 and PRISON BREAK back in the day, and ORPHAN BLACK now. I watched all three from week to week, which got a bit agonizing. I rewatched the Clone Club on DVD and found it much more

To understand the evolution of minority male characters, and East Asian ones in particular, it might help to look at the white woman side of this.

I wanted to point out that, in the entirety of BOYHOOD, Patricia Arquette's character gives something approaching maternal advice exactly once, and it's to neither of her kids. It's to Ernesto.