Uncle Leo's Prior Convictions

Give him some crab claws at least!! 

Same with the nose on the husky at Northeasten!

Our team name in Seinfeld trivia a couple weeks ago was the Cinnamon Babkas. Cinnamon takes a backseat to no babka

Hahaha I wrote a very similar thing when sharing this article on Facebook. Those Dave shows were something else!

I’m loving that other new show (if we’re thinking of the same one) because he’s a big gorgeous bearded man (she’s cute too, I’m probably just jealous of her) and they at least keep the old character of the houses, rather than open concepting everything and distressing things to look old...

I’m 32 but had to ask my 23 yo coworker... darty = day party so I’m assuming “head darty” would be to throw a day party??

Also Sierra Trading Post for the outdoorsy types!

I have a squishy mat in front of my kitchen sink. Bought it at HomeGoods ;)

One from Boston -“We are the granddaughters of the witches you failed to burn”

My Boston favorites!

Safety lights are for dudes.

I grew up with a girl named Echo. Pretty chill gal

On IG, she's Lesdogggg ❤️

I had the “Auntie painted this” version and I remember my mom kept it separate from the other Judy Blume I was reading until I was “older.” I finally pulled it out of the closet eventually but by that point, I don’t remember if I had gotten the period talk yet or not...

I think this might be my second comment ever... Hiiiiii!

For $50, I'd put my face in their soup and blow...

It happens in 3's. We should be all set now!