Uncle Kvetch

So "politics were inserted" is this decade's "mistakes were made." But vaguely dirty-sounding.

When I was in my Catholic high school's production of Garson Kanin's "Born Yesterday," we had to change all the "goddamn's" to just plain "damn's." So I can corroborate that this is indeed a thing.

Why, just yesterday I was thinking of David Broder's "He trashed the place, and it's not his place," referring to the unspeakable vulgarity of Bill Clinton, who forced the poor Republicans (and, by extension, the world) to obsess over his tawdry sex life for years on end.

I'm making a point of calling my two Democratic Senators to thank them (as much as I loathe Chuck Schumer for unrelated reasons).

This absolutely wrenching piece aired on the BBC World Service yesterday, about the kind of horrific torture gay people subjected themselves to in order to "cure" themselves in pre-1967 Britain:

Oh I don't really care

"Pinchloaf Bigots" just might work as a noisecore band name.

50,000 Fall Fans is a great retrospective up to the early '00s. But for an introduction, it's hard to beat the Rough Trade '84-'89 singles compilations. Top to bottom magnificent, both the A sides and the B's.

Poor Kirino Sucks. He is not…appreciated.

I was going to contribute a "[slow clap]" for that exact same line. Just beautiful.

That movie was simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to the Shins. I wonder if James Mercer feels that way too.

I know this was said about In Rainbows a lot when it came out, but dammit, it's true: it sounds like the work of a band. Four guys dicking around in a studio for hours, and then all of a sudden something clicked, and away they went. There's something beautifully organic about it. Not to take anything away from the

I was 20 when the first Smiths album came out, but I was a late bloomer and still had several angst-laden years ahead of me.


Yeah…so smug.

Unfair: Fox News talks about racism against white people constantly. Not even Santa Claus is safe.

Sag rag? Nag bag? Wag tag?

Good pun thread so far. I'm just Goebbel-ing it up.

As a young'un of draft age in the 80s, I used to wonder how that song might be repurposed for Ronnie's Great Adventure:

Ant music for sex people! Sex music for ant people!