Jacobins and Girondins…gotta keep 'em separated…
Jacobins and Girondins…gotta keep 'em separated…
You probably don't mean anything negative by it, but I don't see the need for the scare quotes around "community organizer." It is actually a real, bona fide job, not something invented to make people's heads explode on Fox News.
Not only am I old enough to remember Family Affair in prime time, but we were regular viewers. My mother freely admitted that she had a thing for Brian Keith.
He works at Mr. Scaramucci's down on Sullivan Street
I think Huron to something…
Would a BBC television actor get the same kind of big residuals from reruns and international broadcasts as, say, an actor in a successful sitcom in the US, or is the figure in the article just a flat salary and that's it?
I don't wonder about what would happen at all. A new round of Benghazi hearings, duh.
It's harmless pee.
Exactly. I just had this discussion with an old friend who was going on about how the Germans had confronted their dark past so much more forthrightly than those awful French. (Backstory: he's a right-of-center American, so he's pretty much obligated to see the French as The Worst People in the World.) As you say, the…
I commend you for giving that post a more thoughtful reply than it deserved. Wishing you well.
Yep. For a long time I kind of sneered at Pink Floyd for the "spare a thought for the poor rockstar" lyrics on The Wall. But over the years I've read too many interviews with too many musicians I respect talking about what a messed-up and ultimately unnatural life it is on the road, and how badly it can screw you up.…
I almost fell out with a friend over this very subject just after Kurt Cobain's suicide. Cobain, in his eyes, was a "selfish asshole" to leave his daughter an orphan. And there was more than a tinge of "aw, the poor rich famous rock star, my heart bleeds." It really bugged me but I couldn't entirely hold it against…
Yes — especially the regular installments of "America's Worst Mother(TM)"! Thoooose were the days…
This. There will be a brief spasm of nostalgia-watching among people for whom "nostalgia" means "Remember that thing we did 10 years ago? I remember it too. Aren't things we remember great?" Then it'll die again.
Why, I do declay-uh!
Lame as it sounds, I was introduced to the Ballade in G Minor in a blow-off music appreciation course in my senior year of undergrad. It's been one of my absolute favorite pieces of music in any genre ever since. Chills down the spine, every time.
There's something cleansing about that early Fall sound. It just pierces through the waves of bullshit we're being subjected to these days.
In re Bob Marley, Kaya is a personal favorite. Well worth checking out.
I've lived in NYC almost continuously since 1987, and yours is the first reference I've ever seen to "West Brooklyn." Is this a new creation of the real estate industry?