
Simple, yet elegant. I think I like it...

@Rejexted: $20MM?!?!? What?!?! That is really hard to believe... If that's the case then I am really in wrong product segment...

Hmmm... gonna try this when I get home tonight. Looks schweet...

Huh? Magnet war? How much is each company worth?

Ohhh... It's only in the UK... Whew... I mean...Uhh...(cough-cough)... Serves them right!

@FusterCluck: Really??? Huh. What kind of chili was it? Jalapeño? Serrano? Or something hotter?

Well.... Since everyone is sharing...

@wjbean: Wow. Thanks for posting.

People forget that the fire in the hole feeling the day after having hot food is usually not from the peppers or seeds themselves but the vinegar or other spices mixed in... I've been eating raw peppers since was young and only got sick after eating canned or bottled peppers or stuff made into sauces... Don't believe

Whoa.... Jesus did BOTH the article AND the illustration?!?! A true renaissance man....

@OMFG! PierceTheVin: That's the fault of two distinct groups... The marketing team at McD's and the premium agency that does their bidding without question... Unfortunately they don't always design toys or pick the licenses with kids in mind... Usually designed with what the 40 year olds running the projects "think"

Dang... The photo of the screws in my arm holding my bone together is on my work drive... I'll post it later....

@Shamoononon: I'm thinking the same thing. What? Is this is a continued reply to another thread? Odd....

@RutgerHauer: Don't forget the cane with the shiny handle shape like the head of some type of bird....

Does it seem like lately, there seems to be an infinite circular loop of stories between Giz, uncrate, oh Gizmo, endgadget and maybe another handful of sites?

@Ashwin Mudigonda: ....it was a NSFW link and I "accidentally" happened to touch it....

Freakin' sweet. Thanks for the reminder GIZ. My nikon is now ready for the night sky...

Doesn't Simplenote kinda work in the same way?

Do they make an attachment for the iPhone? 3GS or 4?